St. Paul Chamber Orchestra names Gábor Takács-Nagy as artistic partner

Gábor Takács-Nagy conducting the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra in 2024. Photo: St. Paul Chamber Orchestra

Minnesota’s St. Paul Chamber Orchestra announced conductor Gábor Takács-Nagy would join its lineup of artistic partners for a three-year tenure beginning in the 2024-’25 season. The orchestra’s other artistic partners include Baroque specialist Richard Egarr, cellist Abel Selaocoe, and violist Tabea Zimmermann.

The St. Paul Chamber Orchestra adopted its current approach to artistic leadership in the 2004-’05 season, when it shifted from a decades-long history of music directors — including Leopold Sipe, Dennis Russell Davies, and Christopher Hogwood — to a more egalitarian system of artistic partners, resulting in a more collaborative relationship between orchestra musicians and conductors.

Takács-Nagy, who began his music career as a violinist and co-founded the world-renowned Takács Quartet in 1975, adds the St. Paul appointment to a long list of artistic commitments including music director of the Verbier Festival Chamber Orchestra in Switzerland, music director of the Manchester Camerata in the UK, and principal guest conductor of the Budapest Festival Orchestra in Hungary.

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