Pittsburgh Opera offers free childcare during performance

A photo of a marquee for Pittsburgh Opera.

Pittsburgh Opera is offering free childcare during their March 24 matinee performance of “La Traviata” so it is easier for parents to attend. The company has been making moves to attract new audience members, including last month announcing a rideshare voucher program to help patrons get to and from the opera house at no cost.

Why it matters:

  • Accessibility and Inclusivity: By providing free childcare, Pittsburgh Opera removes barriers for parents with young children, ensuring that everyone in the community has the opportunity to experience opera regardless of childcare constraints.
  • Supporting Families: This program demonstrates Pittsburgh Opera’s commitment to supporting families and recognizing the challenges parents face in accessing cultural events, fostering a more family-friendly environment within the arts.
  • Innovation and Leadership: Pittsburgh Opera’s initiative sets a precedent for other arts organizations to follow, encouraging them to implement similar programs to increase accessibility and engagement within their communities.


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