The Financial Times published an intriguing profile of Elim Chan, the 37-year-old conductor from Hong Kong, in which Chan reflects on her journey to success in the male-dominated world of orchestral conducting. Despite facing challenges and stereotypes, Chan, known for her poise and athleticism on the podium — and, less known, the boxing ring — has steadily risen in the international music scene.
Chan acknowledges the importance of representation and the increasing opportunities for women in various fields. She also discusses her identity as a Hongkonger, emphasizing the unique cultural blend of the city while addressing the complexities of potential engagements in China, requiring a careful balance of artistic expression with external expectations.
Perhaps most intriguing, Chan remarks that she was initially interested in becoming a detective, jokingly suggesting she might be a Bond girl or spy.
Read on: Conductor Elim Chan: ‘I don’t want to be seen as the token. I got in on my own two feet’