2024 Bayreuth Festival completely sold out

Bayreuth Festspielhaus. Photo: El Grafo via Wikimedia Commons

Germany’s famed Bayreuth Festival, which opened July 25 with a new production of Wagner’s “Tristan und Isolde,” is completely sold out, festival spokesperson Hubertus Herrmann told the German Press Agency.

The annual festival founded by Wagner in 1876 to perform his music usually sells out every year, however the 2023 festival made headlines by having seats left unsold. This year, every one of the Bayreuth Festspielhaus’s 1,925 seats have sold for every performance.

Herrmann also announced the 2026 Bayreuth Festival, which will celebrate its 150th year, will feature a special “Ring” production for only that year. Typically a new “Ring” production is presented every five to seven years. The jubilee festival is set to feature all 10 of Wagner’s operas in the standard repertoire, plus the more rarely performed early opera, “Rienzi.”

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